I have these plastic bin containers in my kids' rooms for storage. They're great, but just so ugly (not to mention cracked and broken ).

My secret sauce to quick makeover always contains one of these two ingredients: spray paint or contact paper. They both give the biggest transformations in the shortest amount of time. This decorative storage bin project uses both - yay!

For this storage I started by spray painting the frame that holds the drawers. I used Krylon COLORmaxxx in Metallic Gold. I usually have a few cans on hand because I have a lot of gold accents in my home already and I consider gold to be a neutral color.

While the paint was drying, I moved on to the bins. I typically use contact paper, but I upped my game a bit and used removable peel & stick wallpaper from Tempaper that I had purchased for another project. The quality is great and it's very forgiving if you make a mistake and need to start over. The pattern I used is a really pretty grey with playful metallic pearl dots called Moire Dots. I used an X-acto knife to slice around the bends so the paper would lay flat.

And ....voilà! Such a dramatic difference, and couldn't have been easier!

I have a side table that fits the bins perfectly. The dots on the wallpaper and the dots on the curtains were a happy coincidence. Apologies on Ruby's blocking half the shot, but she thinks she's getting a treat every time I take out the camera 🐶 🤦🏻♀️ 😂

Materials Needed:
Removable Wallpaper or contact paper
Plastic Storage Bins